or something like that. who all has a facebook page? who has a myspace page? what about twitter? do y'all have trouble finding time to get on all those pages? or is it just me?
i can sign into facebook & theres so much posted that it takes all night to catch up with all those people & their lives. i mean those friggin walls are full! i just don't have the time to sign in every day & answer whatever posts have been directed at me. i'm lucky to sign into this blog once a week. some nights when i get home i just barely have time to get to everything i have to do by bedtime. even then on my way to bed i can find another half dozen things to do & by the time i actually make it to bed its an hour later. all the way through the house i'm thinking 'if i don't get to bed now i'm gonna feel like hell in the morning'. sure enough, every morning when that alarm goes off i think, holy shit, it can't be morning already. in most cases, just like tonight, its after midnight before i find time to get online & post. i'm not gonna lie: i love my sleep but i think thats because i never get enough of it!
weekends should be easy to get it all together. right? right?? not in my world. having the grandkids makes it almost more hectic than the normal week. jammer always has to go shopping cos he lost a jango or a bubba fett. or he saw something on tv that he just has to have but they don't have it at his store so we have to go to ours. or ixxie needs a fish for her aquarium but they don't have fish where they shop. they make my life a matter of life or death if they can't go somewhere. which means we spend a big portion of our days out of the house. so again, no rest for the wicked! as well as getting nothing done. i have to take a day off work to get caught up & then its only caught up for a day!!
so my point? let me show you how my body decided to rebel in its infinite wisdom:
weekends should be easy to get it all together. right? right?? not in my world. having the grandkids makes it almost more hectic than the normal week. jammer always has to go shopping cos he lost a jango or a bubba fett. or he saw something on tv that he just has to have but they don't have it at his store so we have to go to ours. or ixxie needs a fish for her aquarium but they don't have fish where they shop. they make my life a matter of life or death if they can't go somewhere. which means we spend a big portion of our days out of the house. so again, no rest for the wicked! as well as getting nothing done. i have to take a day off work to get caught up & then its only caught up for a day!!
so my point? let me show you how my body decided to rebel in its infinite wisdom:

That looks bad
I stick to my msn and Blogger.
It's not like i have much time to do anything else.
I do have a facebook account I just don't bother using it.
Happy Forth of July
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