i received an email sunday morning telling me that someone thought they found mr p. i had 2 kids so i called sonny to find out when he was coming to pick them up. if at all possible i wanted to get up there right away & maybe bring my baby home. he had too many things on his plate to come early though so i had to wait to check it out.
i made the trip on monday. leaving from work & going an hour north with a few directions & a map from google. no matter how i routed it i was doing at least a 3 hour roundtrip. traffic was horrendous but i made it in one piece. only to be very disappointed.
although it was a beautiful cockatiel it wasn't my baby. the people were very nice & let me approach the bird alone in case we freaked him out. i knew as soon as i laid eyes on him that he wasn't mr p. this bird was much bigger & more brightly colored than my bird. he was a pretty bird & it was fun to play with a tiel again. every bird has its own personality. this little guy was no different. he had cute little things he did including parts of the andy griffith song but just different parts than peepers.
my heart is broken. i want my baby back so bad i can almost hear his whistles as i nod off to sleep at night. when i hear the martins outside in the morning i immediately think of peepers. they mock him. only he's not here to mock anymore.
i've tried not to get my hopes up but i just can't help but pray in the back of my mind 'please, let this be him'. i don't know if i can keep this up. everytime i get a little excited cos someone thinks they may have mr p i get disappointed. i keep thinking my tear ducts will eventually quit producing but thats not happening either.
everytime i sit down to this computer & scroll through the pics of lost or found birds it starts all over again. my heart breaks for all those birds out there that will never be returned to its rightful owner due to selfish people that just decide to keep them or people that don't have access to a computer or even know where to begin to find their lost bird. if i ever get rich i think i'll make it my personal feat to make a rolling aviary. collect all the birds that have been found & travel from place to place & let people see the birds in the hopes that i can bring their baby home to them.
Monday, September 24, 2007
North To Mr. P
Posted by Lindy at 10:45 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
This Old House
my bedroom was on the top floor in the back of the house & i would sit up all night watching the street lights from across the river come on in the evening to going off in the morning. i knew those streets like the back of my hand. i had a little niche with a window in it that i sewed a cushion for. i'd sit at that window & dream of my future for hours imagining all the different things i would do with my life.
Posted by Lindy at 1:37 AM 5 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wanna Itch With Us?
i've been meaning to show you hubbys newest affliction. its the same 'pityriasis rosea' that jammer had only it came out on hubby in a much more extreme manner. jammer had a mild case i guess cos his was nowhere near what hubby ended up with. they don't have a clue what causes this. they think stress may bring it out. they also don't know exactly what it is. they think its a viral infection. it can strike at any age & takes up to 3 months to go away. well, let me show you:

Posted by Lindy at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Our Own Keystones
cops that is. get this. its 110 degrees in the shade & nothing is moving, not even the birds let alone anything even remotely resembling a breeze. i'm standing at the gate close to the street so i can get a little 'whosh' as the cars whiz by while i smoked a cigarette. a metro bus comes whizzing down the street, oh yeah, theres a breeze cos these babies are hitting about 60 as they floor from one corner to the next. this is a side street & the only traffic on it usually is coming to us other than the buses that pass. i'm standing just before the entrance so for the most part they aren't moving fast enough to create any kind of disturbance in the air. they're slowing down to turn in. except the buses.
i hear a motorcyle. loud, it sounds like its moving fast & i'm praying its coming around the corner & down our street. looking up the street i see the bike cruising towards me. he's booking & all of a sudden i'm literally spun on my heels by the greasy haired biker looking guy in full leather attire tearing down the street like he's on his way out of hell. wow, talk about a breeze. my skirt & hair are whisked back like i'm standing in a full on wind coming at me. that was great. too bad he's not with a shitload of bikers. don't they ususally travel in packs? damn.
but it was better.
the biker hit the corner just past me & made a quick right. about the same time i heard sirens & looked back up the street to see a police cruiser coming at me. he passed the street that the biker turned on & made a right at the next corner. oops, sorry dude, you missed your turn but you made a really great breeze on your way by. think you can do that again?
well, maybe not him but another cruiser came down the street with sirens blaring & turned onto the same street as the biker. ruh roo, the biker might be in trouble. sure enough, here comes another cruiser all the way down the street, great breeze cos he's making an air wave to die for, big time. i'm loving this, big breezes & excitement.
woooo, i can hear the biker cos he's just making turns & trying to lose the cops. he winds up back on the same street i'm standing on with 2 more cruisers coming at him. which he passed zooming in the opposite directions but they knew it was him somehow, so they did u-turns in the middle of the street & went back for him. shit, you ain't doing me any good if they turn around before they get to me. he obliged me & made a quick left going full circle to come back out at the street just passed me. again he zooms by me & immediately 3 cruisers come from nowhere to streak up the street after him.
the biker passed me about 5 times in all & i know i saw the same 5 cruisers at least 10 times trying to catch him.
the last time the biker passed me he waved at me as if to say 'been nice breezing you' & went to the end corner to make a right. as i stood there all 5 cruisers came shooting down the street & split so some followed the biker while others went up the middle streets. finally, i heard the screech of tires & breaking glass which meant they not only caught up with him but made him wreak his bike. this was about 4 in the afternoon & on my way home from work i saw them loading the bike onto a flatbed.
it was entertaining to say the least.
it was breezy to say the most.
Posted by Lindy at 7:54 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Some Of The Greats
before i get too far behind i wanted to point out that one of my abductees received a book deal. he's a great writer & has lots of material to play with. you'll see him listed over on the sidebar as clublife . he's a bouncer from new york that works at least 2 major clubs & tells about the nightlife in his world. when you get a chance visit his site & read some of his archives for now. he's wrapped up with book signings right now so he's not posting on the site but he promises he'll be back. you'll enjoy his archives until he gets back.
another one i'd like to point out is our online self proclaimed sexaholic steveo . he's writing an online novel & would like feedback. i've never really figured out if he's pulling our leg completely or if he's telling the truth & just wants to confuse us. maybe it was part truth & part imagination to keep us coming back. regardless, his own true story or imaginary life, whichever it was, i always liked to read his latest sex exploits. check him out & tell him what your missing in his novel. every little bit of input helps & who knows maybe he'll dedicate his book to you. if you lose interest in his novel check out his archives too. some pretty juicy stuff there.
while i'm at it i want to mention mad becca as well. she's always been a great story teller & i love her. although the wench went on vacation or something (harry potter my ass) & fell off the face of the earth. she hasn't posted anything new in awhile but i'm holding out for a great comeback. (hint...hint).
and i can't forget walker that has an excellent storyline going on right now. he mixes it up with whats going on in his life to take a break from the story but man, 'the red clay' has been great. you have to give it a read. he was planning on ending it at 10 posts but due to some great feedback has decided to extend the story. i'm loving it & hate to see it end.
so there you go. 3 excellent artists with great potential & my approval. (for whatever thats worth). great people that entertain us.
Posted by Lindy at 7:46 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 07, 2007
And Introducing!
Posted by Lindy at 6:35 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Keeping Up With Something
how could i say this with a straight face? theres just not enough hours in a day. HA. i hit the floor, slap water on my face to wake up, carry on with my morning rituals (i'll spare you the details)...i'm off. an hours drive to get to work. work, work, work, lunch, work, work, work...an hour back home. have dinner, spend a little time on the pc looking for mr. p, answer emails, take down more phone numbers...make calls, take a shower...hubby says a show i like is on... watch a little tv. off to bed. just to do it all over again tomorrow. what i'm not getting done goes on a list. a very long list that just seems to get longer & never seems to get done.
Posted by Lindy at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 03, 2007
Ten Dollah
theres been an advertisement on tv for a sale on comforters. $10.00 is a pretty good sale price for all sizes of big, thick, wrap yourself up in, warm, comforters. the sale was for sunday & monday only & they screamed how all the other sale items were SO worth your time. in my infinite wisdom i decided to go shopping at this place today. i forgot that the fireworks that our local radio station (WEBN) & toyota put together were also going on today. what a mistake. it took us 2 1/2 hours to get to the store. which would have been fine, EXCEPT, because of the fireworks the stupid store closed early! they could have prewarned us at least. but that would have made too much sense. we wound up taking a 4 hour trip for nothing! thankfully it only took us an hour & a half to make it home. traffic wasn't as bad going out of the city as it was going in. i think they should give me a stupid comforter for my inconvenience. if i'd been 20 years younger i could have at least stayed & watched the fireworks. which are always awesome. but now a days i can't stay up that late & make it to work the next day. not to mention how theres way too many people to deal with these days. man, i keep reminding myself in so many ways how old i'm getting.
i really needed that comforter! for my hubbys old cold body!
Posted by Lindy at 2:36 AM 1 comments