Monday, September 10, 2007

Some Of The Greats

before i get too far behind i wanted to point out that one of my abductees received a book deal. he's a great writer & has lots of material to play with. you'll see him listed over on the sidebar as clublife . he's a bouncer from new york that works at least 2 major clubs & tells about the nightlife in his world. when you get a chance visit his site & read some of his archives for now. he's wrapped up with book signings right now so he's not posting on the site but he promises he'll be back. you'll enjoy his archives until he gets back.
another one i'd like to point out is our online self proclaimed sexaholic steveo . he's writing an online novel & would like feedback. i've never really figured out if he's pulling our leg completely or if he's telling the truth & just wants to confuse us. maybe it was part truth & part imagination to keep us coming back. regardless, his own true story or imaginary life, whichever it was, i always liked to read his latest sex exploits. check him out & tell him what your missing in his novel. every little bit of input helps & who knows maybe he'll dedicate his book to you. if you lose interest in his novel check out his archives too. some pretty juicy stuff there.
while i'm at it i want to mention mad becca as well. she's always been a great story teller & i love her. although the wench went on vacation or something (harry potter my ass) & fell off the face of the earth. she hasn't posted anything new in awhile but i'm holding out for a great comeback. (hint...hint).
and i can't forget walker that has an excellent storyline going on right now. he mixes it up with whats going on in his life to take a break from the story but man, 'the red clay' has been great. you have to give it a read. he was planning on ending it at 10 posts but due to some great feedback has decided to extend the story. i'm loving it & hate to see it end.
so there you go. 3 excellent artists with great potential & my approval. (for whatever thats worth). great people that entertain us.


Walker said...

Aw thank you for the link.
It is fun weaving a yarn out of nothing and watching people enjoy it but a time comes when THE END has to be found at the end of a story so another one could be born.

Lindy said...

Just let the special ones live. I'll hunt you down & make you rewrite them if you kill them off without a happy ending.