i'm not really happy with the new easyshare i downloaded with my camera. it saves the pics in a kodak album & they aren't easily accessed to add here. i'm still working on things though so please bear with me. i got my camera back from nipper this weekend & downloaded all the pics but i let the program do its thing. its always something.
we went to my brothers retirement party this weekend. he was a game warden. now his sneaking in the woods days are over. i'm kinda glad for him. it makes him less of a target. i always kinda worried about him out there in the woods with poachers & people trespassing. you just never know what people are capable of these days. i'm also very jealous. in case you need me to say that. i'm 3 years older than him & i have to work till 2021 to retire. shit lets face it: i may never get to retire. social security probably won't even be there when i'm ready for it. no i said that wrong. i'm ready for it today but it won't be there when i can take advantage of it.
and i wanted to point out that my title doesn't have anything to do with retirement. it was a statement jammer made this weekend. at the party everyone was picking on him over his hair. you've seen pics of his daddy & his long hair. jammer wants to start letting his hair grow. which i think he's too young for but i'm not his parent. anyway, i called his daddy & asked him if we talked him into it could we cut his hair. daddy said sure no problem. well, everyone made some kind of offer to get him in the mood but nipper hit the bullseye when she offered him money!!! he asked how much they were talking about & she said 20 bucks. he was in. it turned out that all the adults kicked in a dollar each for him & ix. they came up with $34.00 to split between them. i've got some video of the process & him flagging his money. he's got a death grip on it too. i'm gonna upload these pics & they may be big. don't shoot me, i'm new at this.
we went to my brothers retirement party this weekend. he was a game warden. now his sneaking in the woods days are over. i'm kinda glad for him. it makes him less of a target. i always kinda worried about him out there in the woods with poachers & people trespassing. you just never know what people are capable of these days. i'm also very jealous. in case you need me to say that. i'm 3 years older than him & i have to work till 2021 to retire. shit lets face it: i may never get to retire. social security probably won't even be there when i'm ready for it. no i said that wrong. i'm ready for it today but it won't be there when i can take advantage of it.
and i wanted to point out that my title doesn't have anything to do with retirement. it was a statement jammer made this weekend. at the party everyone was picking on him over his hair. you've seen pics of his daddy & his long hair. jammer wants to start letting his hair grow. which i think he's too young for but i'm not his parent. anyway, i called his daddy & asked him if we talked him into it could we cut his hair. daddy said sure no problem. well, everyone made some kind of offer to get him in the mood but nipper hit the bullseye when she offered him money!!! he asked how much they were talking about & she said 20 bucks. he was in. it turned out that all the adults kicked in a dollar each for him & ix. they came up with $34.00 to split between them. i've got some video of the process & him flagging his money. he's got a death grip on it too. i'm gonna upload these pics & they may be big. don't shoot me, i'm new at this.

uncle warden checking for fleas. look at that look on jammers face. he found nothing funny about this. the thought of him having bugs did not tickle him at all. he didn't care how cute uncle warden thought he was being.

and then aunt pj got busy. once he got into the whole haircut thing he decided he didn't just want it trimmed. which is what i wanted him to go for. he wanted it shaved short. he said he wanted it like his cousin the jock that i call coach.

he's a happy camper. he's telling uncle mailman all the things he can buy with his money. believe me, he has big plans for that little handful of money he has. i asked him what he thought after the haircut & he waved his money at me & said, 'you gotta love america'.
Aww Lindy - that first picture is adorable. The look of disgust on his face is hilarious!
Hey hun,
I've also got an Easyshare....the best way to do it is transfer all your pix to MY PICTURES and then you'll have em right where u want them.That's what I do sometimes.You could even transfer them to MY DOCUMENTS.You got a GREAT camera though.I've tried a few others and the quality of Kodak is awesome...the best I've had anyways.
Wow,your bro retired as a game warden?Hey..is it true that ONLY a game warden can go into your house WITHOUT a search warrant?(I've always heard that,and wondered if it were true).
I know what you mean about Social Security.Hell....what if it's gone when we reach that time? What if we have to work FOREVER? What if...what if....what if my aunt had "balls",she would be my UNCLE!! hahaha
Had to slip that in there!(my bad)
Hey,I've got A'milllion today,he's been asleep for quite a while,so I am hurrrying to get my 2 cents in.
Oh,my chosen field that I no longer work in.Hair! Yup,I quit the hair bizz quite a few years back,thanx to the fine state of Texas not allowing me to renew my Barber license!
Anyways...great..I mean GREAT job on jammers! Nuttin like a REAL "little Man's" haircut.I loooved the young-un's that came in the shop all shaggy and I got to give them a real handsome short "DO".It's so much cooler when they are playing outside too.
"You gotta love America"
smart boy,L!!
let me so if I can make THIS comment lonnnnger!
He looks great with the haircut and he's right it's only hair but I am keeping mine long LOL
I use easy share software too and it can be a bit of a pain in the butt sometimes having to first aquire the picture then more it to my pictures but its not like we have much choice do we.
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