i call my dad my 'sperm donor' because for my entire life he's been in my life but not really a part of my life. my step mom was always the verbal parent & dad was like the silent partner. he never said much & my memory of my dad was mostly of the punishment i received when i was bad. which, believe me only took for me to cross my eyes & turn around twice it seemed for me to be in trouble. honestly i think his only job where i was concerned was to whip me. never to talk..never to communicate whatsoever...just whip me. the disciplining was always my step mom but when it came time to punish me she turned it over to dad. i don't remember ever getting a hug from him. i don't ever remember sitting on his lap. (as a child) i don't ever remember him smiling at me. just whipping me. the whipping sticks in my mind cos it was always with a really thin little leather belt. i had to go upstairs to my room, pull my pants down, lay across my bed & wait for him to come for my whipping. seriously, that was the routine. he'd always leave welts, sometimes draw blood, but never just talk to me..always whip me.
the summer i turned 17 i moved out of his house & back to my moms. that was actually a pretty traumatic event, it involved a fight with my step mom (god what a story), another whipping but one i refused to take just lieing down. instead when i was told to go wait on my whipping, i went & packed my clothes & made the announcement on my way out the door that there would be no more whippings. i was done. my mom was waiting outside for me.
after i married my first husband i did let bygones be & i visited occasionally. i never asked for anything. i kept in touch but i kept my distance. (nippers best advise). my step mom always said he didn't like having us kids around. we were an intrusion in his life.
i don't know what to think now that he's remarried. since the birthday party we've been invited to come out & see him more often. the day after the birthday party i received an email from her that they were gonna go shopping & she needed sizes for the kids. SO THEY COULD BUY CLOTHES! later in the week she emails me & wants to know when we can get together to pick up these clothes they bought. his new wife says in this email 'he loved having you all out & has really missed you'. wtf? is he maybe just getting old & realizes the need for family? is it his new wife? is he getting senile & doesn't remember that he didn't want us around? was it my step moms words & not really dad? i'm confused!
he really did act like he was so glad to see us all. his new wife asked me to come out often & help them learn how to use their new computer. she's giving me a schedule of what weeks they are occupied with the traveling they do & when they'll be in town so we can get together. this is too weird. but i'm not getting too comfy with this new found family thing.
i'm going to see my aunt this friday. i'm telling on him for confusing me like this!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Talk About Weirdness
Posted by Lindy at 12:28 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Snap! Theres My Man
on monday my big guy started preschool. he rode a bus all by himself & left the safety of all he has ever known. you know what? he didn't shed one damn tear! i've only cried for a week cos this means he's growing up way too fast for me. ahhh, look at my big guy. getting on the bus. all by himself.i wasn't there but his mommy told me how he climbed those steps onto the bus, introduced himself to the driver, shook her hand & took a seat. just exactly like the little man that i expected him to be. course, i knew leaving his mother behind wasn't gonna be a problem. (see..no tears?) he comes here every weekend & never gives her a second thought. his daddy on the other hand is a different story. luckily he was working out of state so big guy didn't have to deal. honey took pix of the whole ordeal. she wasn't given a choice. it was take pix or die! knowing her she didn't do the most important step of his 4 year old lifes hughest accomplishment justice. i've been pretty melancholy over this big step in his life & looking back through my photo albums of his daddy & his first day of school. he only cried a little as he told me he would miss me more than i would ever know. that was his exact words but when he saw that bus pull up with all those kids the tears disappeared & he got excited quickly. i talked to jammer monday night & he told me how much bumpier the road was being in the bus than in the car. he said he got to ride bicycles & had races & how ms. teachmeeverythingyouknow (from here on out will be known as ms. tmetyk) took pix of them. he said he got to color & tell a story about cayuga & the wolves that we made up. he had the best time & loved being in school. i hope he keeps this positive attitude & learns easily. the one thing i really can't believe is the fact that his blankie wasn't even thought about. i can't even put the damn thing in the wash without him staying on my ass every second that its out of his hands about how soon he can have it back. one time half way through the wash cycle he said he thought it was clean enough to go ahead & pull out. i asked him about drying it & he said he liked it wet just fine. i mean we can't do anything until he has this damn blankie in his hands. god forbid we can't find it for a minute. all hell breaks loose. so he traded in his blankie for a backpack & grew up on me. snap! just like that. overnight.
well, we'll just see about that. i have him alone this weekend. muwahahaha, memaws heaven.
Posted by Lindy at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Posted by Lindy at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Sperm Donor At 70
nahhh, he'll die a sperm donor.
Posted by Lindy at 10:07 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Great Times For Great Memories
last night we kept the kids up late so we could lay in the yard & watch the perseid meteor shower . it was so fun. actually, we only had 2 this weekend. jammer & ixxie & they told us that they had never seen a shooting star before so we told them they had to make wishes on them & not tell so the wishes would come true. we layed on a sheet in the front yard..held hands & watched the sky for about 3 hours. it was a series of 'oh, theres one..ahh, another one...how cool, that was a pretty long one...memaw, over there, papaw, right above your head, and on and on. we also named stars we saw, yeah, i know, technically, they have their own names but this was just for us. they named them after me & papaw & daddy & granddaddy & themselves & friends. it was just great bonding time. the next shower is on the 1st of sept & we'll have all 4 then. i hope these are memories they'll keep with them the rest of their lives. I know I just wanted to squeeze them hard & tell them how much I loved them. And to never forget these memories. it was just such great fun! the kids have wonderful imaginations & i love to encourage that. the topper was when jammer asked, 'have we bonded enough? i think i'm getting tired'. theres always a pooper in every party. course, it was 2:30 in the a.m.
Posted by Lindy at 12:19 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 09, 2007
You Go Girl

i have to apologize for my lack of posting. i spend alot of time on the lost & found sites these days. they tell me not to give up on finding mr. p but i get so disillusioned when i see all the lost birds. makes me want to take all the found ones in & love them. i think about all the cute things he did & i just know someone out there has my baby & is trying to teach him to love them instead. he's so sweet that he will love them with time & patience.
Posted by Lindy at 10:24 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Days Come & Days Go
tomorrow is hubbys birthday. he acts like he's 90 but he'll actually be 47. i'm taking the day off but i'm not sure what we'll do. i haven't really made any plans. i think we'll just wing it.
i'm still looking for peepers. everywhere i go. the online search is frustrating. there are so many lost birds out there. its been a month. i talked to a bird rescue house in washington & he says he's seen birds get reunited up to 3 years. he also says he had one bird shipped to him that has been attacked & is in pretty bad shape but healing. he could be peepers & will keep in touch with me. he didn't dare try any of the whistles or calls for him cos he's so weak & on medication. he doesn't want to stress his recovering birds & excitement will do that. i'm keeping my fingers crossed.
we bought the twins bicycles this week. i'm so excited for them to see them. we also bought training wheels for jammers bike. now we can all go riding together. if we can keep the little heathens out of the middle of the street & watching for cars it should be fun.
i'm gonna go to bed now. i've been on here since i got home looking at lost cockatiel adds.
thanks to ML for cheering me up with her 'peepers visiting auntie ML' comment. that tickled me. thanks to all the rest of you for your thoughts & well wishes. it means alot.
Posted by Lindy at 10:33 PM 2 comments